App-pear’s philosophy, both in complex projects and in simpler scenarios, is always the same: a clean and solid approach oriented to manage and minimize the risks, maximize the software quality and ensure that all the delivery dates and the deadlines are honored and accomplished. The keys drivers are the following:
1 - A full understanding of the client’s needs, coming form an accurate analysis of the requirements, constraints and business rules that will be documented in one or more documents.
2 - Analyzing the customer’s requirements in terms of the level of accepted quality: in the context of the given project this implies the definition of the acceptable proportion between costs and benefits, the customer’s priorities as well as the decision to split the proposed solution in subsequent phases, for a smoother and more gradual transition.
3 - Analyzing and documenting the security requirements of the application being developed together with the surrounding technical infrastructure; this is a too often neglected aspect when dealing with rapid application development but that we reckon to be very important, considering how deep software has penetrated the way companies make of any kind of business.
4 - Analyzing the current IT platform with the aim to identify possible issues and constraints and to plan the changes, migrations and additions to the hardware infrastructure and the network.
5 - Anticipate the needs in terms of support and training that will be emerging once the application is deployed.
6 - Make sure, especially during technical design phase, that the planned solution is easily maintainable, extendable and user friendly in order to give the customer the maximum degree of independence after the solution is up and running but, at the same time, always ensuring support and assistance.
7 - Maximize the performance and response time of the application.